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"Within one day, he managed to walk me through a process that normally takes weeks and actually “held my hand” as things came together so easily. Had I only met him six weeks before, I would have saved myself weeks of aggravation, time wasted, and frustration, as well as days of useless phone calls setting up appointments which never came to fruition." As a new olah, I have advice for the myriads of people who are making Aliyah. Unless you are an expert in Hebrew technology and navigating the Israeli system, you cannot do this alone! The amount of paperwork, documents, and decisions that are required during the first month or two of Aliyah is just overwhelming. I felt many times that I was “drowning” and constantly questioned my choice to make Aliyah altogether. I finally agreed to get some help and that’s when I was put in touch with Jay Kierman. Within one day, he managed to walk me through a process that normally takes weeks and actually “held my hand” as things came together so easily. Had I only met him six weeks before, I would have saved myself weeks of aggravation, time wasted, and frustration, as well as days of useless phone calls setting up appointments which never came to fruition. Jay’s fee is nominal and it’s absolutely essential to have someone to rely on to get you through every step of this process. Save money somewhere else but treat yourself to this service and let Aliyah become a pleasant experience and not the nightmare that it is for most people! Thank you, Jay! DC

"From the first minute, Jay was everything a person could wish for and more!  He actually answered his phone and Whatsapp messages! (Those of you in this process know what a huge deal that is!) He is extremely well-connected.  He followed through on absolutely everything he said he would do and in the time he said he would do it.  He left no stone unturned to help us." Making aliyah is a challenge under any circumstance but add Corona to the mix and you have an almost insurmountable challenge.  Our family had been planning aliyah for 5 years with the plan of making aliyah this summer of 2021.  Starting in 2019 we began working with Nefesh bNefesh to get all our documents and begin the paperwork process.  We never imagined how long documents would take to obtain because of closures due to Covid.  It was a complicated nightmare.  It took a year to get all our documents back (it usually only takes weeks), save two that were trapped in Covid Lockdown Gehenim.  I mentioned my concerns about getting to Israel in a timely manner before certain documents expired and we would have to start the process all over again, something we were loath to do with a school aged daughter who needed to start school in September, to a dear friend in Israel.  My friend said, “I have a friend, Jay Kierman.  I know him personally.  He’s a real mensch and he’s been able to work miracles.  Would you like to contact him?”  Did I ever!  From the first minute Jay was everything a person could wish for and more!  He actually answered his phone and Whatsapp messages! (Those of you in this process know what a huge deal that is!) He is extremely well connected.  He followed through on absolutely everything he said he would do and in the time he said he would do it.  He left no stone unturned to help us.  He was creative and assertive without being obnoxious.  He knew how to apply just the right amount of pressure while being diplomatic and sensitive to the complexities of the bureaucratic system.  He is akin to a skilled conductor who knows exactly which instruments should be playing at any given time and exactly how loudly or softly they should be played to achieve the hoped for goal.  He collaborated with us every step of the way.  Jay is also able to think out of the box and try things that others might not try.  If this were all we had to say about Jay it would for sure be dayeinu!  But that’s not all.  My friend was right, Jay is a true mensch.  Thoughtful and warm, his caring personality makes it such a pleasure to work with him.  Jay is also humble.  We liked that from the onset he said he’d do his very best but he could not guarantee that he’d be successful.  It has been our experience that such people are often the most successful of all.  Making aliyah is an incredibly stressful journey.  There are so many pieces that need to be in place to actually arrive in Israel and so many things that need to be done once one arrives.  To have someone with sensitivity and expertise helping you along the way is a true gift.  We are immensely grateful to Jay for his help in getting us to Israel.  YES, we are here and we got here before critical documents expired!  And that was a true miracle! Jay is still assisting us with our transition to Israel.  I highly recommend Jay to anyone with challenges in making aliyah.  You will not find a better shliach. Thank you, Jay MK

"I truly believe that your assistance has been a significant ingredient in my being extremely happy about my decision to make aliyah at age 76 with limited knowledge of Hebrew. " I want to thank you for the outstanding assistance you've provided me in making aliyah. Everyone is truly amazed at the speed and ease with which I completed the various new Israeli citizenship processes. Your assistance in setting up appointments and dealing with the various agencies and businesses has been truly amazing! I arrived less than three months ago, and in under 90 days, I've received my permanent ID Card, my driver's license, my Israeli passport, my senior discount card, Rav Card, established a bank account and credit card, and joined a health provider network. I truly believe that your assistance has been a significant ingredient in my being extremely happy about my decision to make aliyah at age 76 with limited knowledge of Hebrew. Without your help, I really believe the frustration of doing this on my own would have been overwhelming.

"Yes, he knows the ropes. Yes, he is exceptionally smart, focused, and talented. But what sets Jay apart is his absolutely relentless and seemingly inexhaustible drive and determination to accomplish your goals." We reached out to Jay Kierman with several complex issues, each of which was a bureaucratic nightmare, and quickly discovered that this is no ordinary consultant. Yes, he knows the ropes. Yes, he is exceptionally smart, focused, and talented. But what sets Jay apart is his absolutely relentless and seemingly inexhaustible drive and determination to accomplish your goals. Jay listens intently, processing every detail down to the most minute, and works out a plan of action, which he takes you through step by step. No obstacle fazes him. No stone is left unturned in seeking solutions. As flexible as he is efficient, Jay will guide, intercede, resolve, solutionize and stay with you until you have reached your goal. -Aviva Cohen

"Whenever a phone call was needed to be made, a form to be filled out, an appointment to try to schedule, Jay was there to guide us. He has lifted a heavy burden from our shoulders." Michael and I appreciate how helpful Jay is in the arduous process of making Aliyah. Both my husband and I are retired and we will be fulfilling our lifetime dream of moving to Israel.  After a few months in the Aliyah process we were feeling that the bureaucracy was holding us back and driving us more than a little “mushugah”.  Jay was recommended by our friend’s company and we have never been disappointed. “Hand holding” is a description I would use to describe Jay’s personal style driving us forward through the bureaucratic maze of Aliyah.  Whenever a phone call was needed to be made, a form to be filled out, an appointment to try to schedule, Jay was there to guide us. He has lifted a heavy burden from our shoulders. We will continue to use Jay as we complete the process from chutz l’ aretz and when we arrive in Israel this June.

"Miracles do happen when you know Jay. It was phenomenal. And the way he took us around and ushered us through places was incredible. " "We were told by everybody when we said we were coming for five weeks, they said "You think you'll get anything done? Everything takes months." So we landed, went to Jerusalem, went to our rental, went to sleep, and got woken up by Jay. He tried to wake us up and tell us, "I have an appointment. It's 2 hours to the north." Then he got a better appointment. And lo and behold, he came and got us. And by 10:30 the day after we arrived, we were in this office (Misrad Hapnim - the Ministry of Interior), a place that we aren't supposed to go to. We were in the promised land within 24 hours. And we already have two of our Teudat Zehuts and our Tuedat Maavar, our temporary passport for five years. So miracles do happen when you know Jay. It was phenomenal. And the way he took us around and ushered us through places was incredible. So, Jay, we thank you. And to anybody considering doing this, do not do this yourself. This is not for the faint of heart. Find an expert, and Jay is our guy." -The Applebaums

"Jay, who has become a very good friend, has taken us through the process and made it so much easier. Jay is great, and we highly recommend him." "My wife, Lindy, and I are very proud of having made Aliyah to Israel, and we're using Jay to help us through the Aliyah process, which is actually quite complicated. Jay, who has become a very good friend, has taken us through the process and made it so much easier. Jay is great, and we highly recommend him." Mark and Lindy Mandelbaum

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